Algeria Believed to Have Bought Corn But No Soymeal in Latest Tender, Traders Say

According to European traders, the Algerian state agency ONAB is believed to have bought an unknown volume of animal feed corn in a tender for up to 160,000 metric tons that closed last week. However, no purchase was reported for the 70,000 tons of soymeal that was also sought in the tender.

The tender, which closed on April 30, had sought corn from optional origins for shipment in May. Prices for the corn purchase were not made available.

While the traders have assessed that ONAB likely bought the corn, further estimates of the exact prices and volumes are still possible as more information becomes available.

The lack of a reported purchase for the 70,000 tons of soymeal indicates that ONAB was unable to secure the desired quantity or acceptable prices for that commodity in this particular tender.

Algeria, as a major importer of animal feed grains and protein meals, regularly holds international tenders to source these commodities to meet the needs of its domestic livestock industry. The results of these tenders provide insights into the country’s import demand and market conditions.

The latest tender results suggest that ONAB was able to find sellers willing to supply the requested corn volumes, but faced more challenges in procuring the soymeal. This could be due to a variety of market factors, including global supply and demand dynamics for these agricultural products.

Algeria Believed to Have Bought Corn But No Soymeal in Latest Tender, Traders Say
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