Brazil’s 2023/24 Soybean Harvest Reaches 78%, Second Corn Crop Faces Mixed Conditions

According to agribusiness consultancy AgRural, Brazil’s soybean harvest progress for the 2023/24 cycle has reached 78% of the planted area as of last Thursday, marking a 4-percentage-point increase from the previous week. However, this figure falls short of the 82% achieved at the same period in the previous year.

Analysts at AgRural noted that the harvesting activities are currently more concentrated in states where planting occurred later in the season, particularly in Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul. Favorable weather conditions in this region have facilitated significant progress in fieldwork, while regions in the north and northeast have faced challenges due to excessive rains exceeding historical levels.

In addition to the soybean harvest, AgRural reported on Brazil’s second corn crop, which constitutes a substantial portion of the national production annually. The center-south region has experienced varying conditions for corn cultivation, with favorable development observed in top grain-producing states like Mato Grosso and Goias. Conversely, regions such as Mato Grosso do Sul, Sao Paulo, and notably western Parana state have encountered difficulties attributed to heavy rains and high temperatures, potentially impacting yields.

The challenges faced by western Parana state are expected to lead to a decrease in corn yields. The second corn crop is sown following the soybean harvest on the same fields, with planting activities concluded last month.

Brazil’s 2023/24 Soybean Harvest Reaches 78%, Second Corn Crop Faces Mixed Conditions
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