Oil and Corn Groups Sue Biden Administration over Tailpipe Emissions Rules

The American Petroleum Institute (API) and the National Corn Growers Association have filed lawsuits against the Biden administration’s new regulations to slash planet-warming tailpipe emissions from cars, trucks, and other vehicles.
The EPA finalized rules this spring to cut 1 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions from heavy-duty vehicles by 2055, and announced separate regulations to require up to 56% of all car sales to be electric between 2030 and 2032.
The API, the top U.S. oil and gas lobby group, argues the regulations will cause economic harm and force a switch to technology that does not currently exist.
The corn and farming groups have joined the lawsuit, claiming the administration is abandoning biofuels in favor of a “one-size-fits-all approach” prioritizing electric vehicles.
The Renewable Fuels Association and National Farmers Union have also filed a separate lawsuit challenging the EPA’s light and medium duty vehicle rules.
The oil and ethanol industries often clash over biofuels mandates but have joined forces to oppose the Biden administration’s push for electric vehicles and preservation of internal combustion engines.

Oil and Corn Groups Sue Biden Administration over Tailpipe Emissions Rules
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