Ukraine Sows Around 10 Million Hectares of Spring Crops, Says Agriculture Ministry

According to the Ukrainian agriculture ministry, farmers in the country have sown around 10 million hectares of spring grain crops as of May 10, 2024.

The sown area includes:

4.3 million hectares of spring grains
5.2 million hectares of oilseeds
Specifically, the ministry data shows:

2.8 million hectares of corn
779,900 hectares of spring barley
244,900 hectares of spring wheat
4 million hectares of sunflower
1.2 million hectares of soybeans
The ministry has previously stated that the overall grain sowing area in Ukraine could decrease by 395,000 hectares in 2024, down to 10.6 million hectares.

This update on the spring crop planting progress in Ukraine provides insights into the country’s agricultural production capacity, which remains crucial for global food security, given Ukraine’s status as a major exporter of grains and oilseeds.

The sowing figures indicate that Ukrainian farmers have been able to continue their agricultural activities despite the ongoing conflict in the country. However, the potential decline in the overall grain sowing area highlights the persistent challenges faced by the Ukrainian agricultural sector.

Ukraine Sows Around 10 Million Hectares of Spring Crops, Says Agriculture Ministry
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